You walk up to your Child sitting on the couch with a school iPad, and ask, “What are you learning?” and the response most undoubtedly is, a shrug and head shake, or if you are lucky you may actually get a spoken word.
“I don’t know…ugh.”
Today’s schools, and for the large part of the past 20th century, had a singular goal of preparing your child for a career, in which they have to go to college to qualify for jobs they would need, in order to pay the debt they would most definitely accrue. This system has been very lucrative, as the schools get tremendous funding per enrollment, and they give the hope of a merit scholarship. The reality…after graduation, your child is sent with a federal aide application, and they get a large loan. The college gets the money, and it matters not if the child finishes, the money is already in the college coffers.
As I went through this system, as I am sure many of you did, and ultimately taught for six years in this system, a pattern emerged in what I saw. The content was not the actual goal of the school, it was teaching kids to complete tasks on time, following the directions as prescribed, and maintaining order…this became the most apparent when I began working in the corporate world. The corporate world is an extension of rows and columns, group think, group work, specialization, and never questioning the status quo…at least not in earnest. The rebellious urge is satisfied with pointing to anyone or anything other than the school system as the source of tyranny.
All this being the current state of free public education, I want you to know, there is a way out. There is a way to raise your child to be a free person with a creative and deep mind, who can adapt to the world, not be a victim of it.
The New Peasantry has a mission to rebuild families, to support going home, and building community, through: Subsistence Homesteading, Homeschooling, and Family Business. We provide guidance on educating your child, balancing the needs of a home and the ever necessary cash flow to fix and progress the home based business.