Are Our Youth Capable of Recognizing Evil and Their Own Voluntary Enslavement?

The time is upon us when the truncated vocabularies we all have make it nearly impossible to recognize our own ignorance and lack of freedom due to it. In George Orwell’s 1984 in chapter ten, a scene expresses the very consequences of dumbing down a civilization.

During a film shown at a hate rally, a helicopter is shown firing on a lifeboat full of refugees. A woman in the audience begins to protest, but is quickly silenced by those around her.

She begins to yell amidst the audience:

“They didn’t ought to have showed it not in front of kids,’ she said. ‘They didn’t it ain’t right not in front of kids, it ain’t.'”

This scene is significant because it highlights the Party’s control over information and the suppression of dissent. Even though the woman is clearly upset by what she sees, she lacks the vocabulary and power to effectively express her feelings.

Today our schools create enemies and a false sense of oppression and victimhood to keep the children’s eyes focused anywhere but where the actual oppression finds its genesis. In the process less learning about how to think, write and speak is happening, and the only learning is telling students what to think, how to speak about it, and possibly write a semi-coherent explanation of, why they were born a boy and how society is keeping them from being the girl they have been convinced they are. These false narratives keep minds enslaved to the Party line…whatever it may be…today…tomorrow…or years from now. The only revolution for the Party is to maintain a constant revolution.

It is easy to pick on public schools today…I do not think free public education is bad, in fact I believe it is necessary…if it is actually free, and by that I do not only mean it costs the student nothing, but that it allows for dissenting opinions and views among the students and enables student’s to actually engage in debate to find Truth. This includes and depends on Teachers who teach socratically and demand students support their conclusions logically and coherently.

It is the goal of The New Peasantry to provide guidance on how to educate our children to be deep thinkers, impervious to vapid and shallow contradictory newspeak spewed from the Party….those who promote constant revolution and create oppressed classes from thin air.

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