The Age of the Autodidact – Self Learner

You are replaceable if all you ever do is learn a single skill for a single application. Machines do this, AI does this. You must actually be educated to adapt to this new digital age. Education is the knowledge of principles and potential applications of them, in all facets of human experience…

In order to learn anything, the skill or concept must have a bucket to be placed in…a place in your mind, in your experience. You could read 100 books and take copious notes, but if you do not have buckets to place the ideas into, you won’t remember a thing. It is when we make connections in the ideas we read about, and find connections to things we have already experienced that we actually retain what we have learned.

Science: Organized Body of Knowledge Developed to Understand a Given Subject

There are many sciences, but unless we actually know what science means in its original context, we begin to view science as an esoteric set of skills and knowledge that has gate keepers in white coats, whom we believe without question, because they are the clerics of the new religion. We never blink an eye when tomorrow they pronounce new dogmas that completely contradict the dogmas they pronounced yesterday. It is of great importance that we understand science as a means to understanding, not the definitive end to understanding.

Here are some buckets to place all you learn into, these are ancient buckets, developed by the Greeks and given a rebirth in the middle ages:

The Trivium and Quadrivium can be broken down further into new arts. These additional arts emerged since the time of St. Thomas Aquinas. None the less they are simply connections between the original arts or sub categories of them. For example, Arithmetic and Geometry are connected by Logic (Dialectic) and the mathematical sciences. Furthermore, Arithmetic, Astronomy and Geometry are necessary for Physics, which is the science of our shared experience in the natural world; this includes biology, chemistry, etc. Ethics (study of morality), and Metaphysics (study of being) are sciences heavily dependent on logic, grammar and rhetoric and inform our spirituality helping us know what is good. These are the arts that inform the science of the humanities. Finally music touches the soul with beauty as does the visual arts, which both can and do inform architecture, design and our experience in the natural world…thus they are understood through physics and experienced through creativity and spirituality. All is connected and none is mutually exclusive, therefore an educated person can never be specialized, unless this person be disintegrated…unbalanced…disconnected.

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